Chase-funded project treats Prosser students to lunch & downtown musical

Chase Prosser. 12.13Last week 22 volunteers from JPMorgan Chase and staff from the CCH Law Project hosted 22 students from Chicago’s Prosser Career Academy for a fun holiday celebration.

Chase generously sponsors Every Child in School, Every Day, a CCH initiative that focuses on community outreach and services to ensure school access for homeless children and teens in Chicago. This year’s focus on youth includes offering legal aid clinics to homeless and at-risk teens, offered several times a month at Chicago Public high schools. Chase ProsserIV. Sharma.12.13

Students from the West Side Austin high school kicked off the Dec. 4 outing with lunch at the Chase Tower downtown. The teens loved the 56th floor view! Led by Patricia Scott, Prosser’s registrar and homeless liaison, the Prosser students were selected for their exemplary grades and school attendance.

Chase ProsserIII.12.13Students chatted with the volunteers and CCH staff over lunch, with each student given a $25 gift card as a holiday gift. The group was then treated to a matinee performance of Broadway in Chicago’s musical, Elf.

Ms. Scott said students had already viewed a movie version of Elf and “loved the show.” Many of the students had never before been to a live theater performance and were grateful for the opportunity funded by the Chase grant.Chase Prosser II.12.13

– Youth Attorney Beth Cunningham & photos by Shruti Sharma