2013 Scholarship applications due May 1

2012 Scholarship Winners
2012 Scholarship Winners

Applications are due by May 1 for CCH’s 2013 college scholarship program. Students and faculty who are submitting last-minute documents can fax these to our office at (312) 641-4144.

Up to five students who have experienced homelessness will be selected to receive $2,000 renewable college scholarships funded by private donors.

Eligible applicants are seniors who are graduating from a Chicago Public high school in June, high school seniors from the city or suburbs who are former student clients of the Law Project, or youth leaders who are active with CCH and no older than 22 years of age. See more detailed eligibility criteria here

This marks the 10th year that the Law Project will award scholarships to aspiring college students. The Law Project created the scholarship program in 2004 to recognize the accomplishments and potential of motivated CPS high school seniors. Patricia Rivera, then-director of the Chicago Public Schools’ Homeless Education Program, collaborated with CCH in creating the scholarship, and was the first private donor to fund the scholarships.

Over the last nine years, 33 renewable scholarships have been awarded to homeless or recently homeless students. Fifty-one percent of awardees have earned their degrees or are progressing through college. Ten scholarship recipients began or returned to college in 2012-13, attending schools in Illinois and Arkansas. The program is also currently assisting two students pursuing post-graduate degrees. Last year, four new scholarship winners were chosen from among 47 applicants.

The CCH Scholarship Committee is excited to hear from this year’s group of outstanding students!

For more information about the scholarship program and how to apply, visit https://www.chicagohomeless.org/college-scholarships/.