2024 Program Description (En Español)

Edrika Fulford Mutual Aid Fund 

The Chicago Coalition for the Homeless Mutual Aid Fund was renamed in honor of former grassroots leader and governing board member, Edrika Fulford. 

Edrika came to CCH in 2015 after experiencing homelessness when she lost her housing due to foreclosure. As a volunteer at CCH, Edrika served on the Speaker’s Bureau, advocated for permanent housing under the HomeWorks and Bring Chicago Home campaigns, and led research on the inequalities of the TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) program. Beyond that, Edrika offered her leadership, generosity, encouragement, and humor to the entire CCH family. 

In May 2020, Edrika helped shape and launch the mutual aid fund in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic worsened inequality, and Edrika was committed to creating a fund that could directly address the community’s needs. From the beginning, Edrika aided in the visioning, fundraising, and promotion of the fund. The fund would not exist as it is without her. 

The application will open Wednesday, May 1st at 11 a.m. and will close once the 300 application cap has been reached. 

One-time emergency grants of $500 will be given to 100 individuals or families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. This includes individuals or families who are living in shelters, living outside, or temporarily staying with family and friends. The application is short, low-barrier, and simple to access. 


  • Must be 18 years or older OR an unaccompanied youth 16 years or older  
  • Illinois resident 
  • 1) Currently experiencing homelessness or 2) currently at risk of becoming homeless due to an eviction, domestic violence situation, or other loss of housing situation 

Undocumented individuals and permanent residents are welcome to apply. 

300 applications will be accepted beginning Wednesday, May 1st at 11 a.m. Applications can be completed online or over the phone. One application should be submitted per household—multiple applications from the same household will be disqualified. All applications submitted will be subject to a lottery and a review process. Please note that submission of an application is NOT a guarantee of funding.  

Phone applications can be submitted 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on business days until the application cap is reached. Internet applications can be submitted at any time while the fund is open. 

Phone: 312-641-4148 

Email: mutualaid@chicagohomeless.org 

Visit this webpage for information on other resources around Chicago and Illinois.

Descripción del Programa (In English)

Se abre la solicitud miércoles, el 1 de mayo a las 11 a.m. y cierra cuando se alcanze el límite máximo de 300 solicitudes. 

Fondos de emergencia de $500 estarán disponibles a 100 personas o familias que no tengan techo o que están pasando por inseguridad de vivienda. Incluidos en esta definicion son individuos viviendo en la calle, quedándose en un albergue, o que están viviendo temporariamente con familia o amigos.  La solicitud es corta y está diseñada para ser fácil y accesible a todos. 

Requisitos de elegibilidad 

  • Estar sin hogar permanente, or al riesgo de estar sin hogar permanente debido al desalojo, la violencia doméstica, o en otro caso de pérdida de hogar. 
  • Tener un mínimo de 18 años. Para solicitantes que son menores sin acompañante: tener un mínimo de 16 años. 
  • Ser un residente de Illinois 

Nota: residentes permanentes y individuos indocumentados son calificados para solicitar los fondos. 

Aceptaramos 300 solicitudes a partir del 1 de Mayo a las 11 a.m. Se puede llenar la solicitud por teléfono o por nuestro sitio de web. Limíte de 1 solicitud por hogar. Todas las solicitudes serán organizados en una lotería y luego estarán revisados por un comité. 

Numero de teléfono: 312-641-4148  

La línea de teléfono estará abierta 11 a.m.-2 p.m. en días laborales hasta se alcanze el límite máximo de solictudes. 

Correo electrónico: mutualaid@chicagohomeless.org 

Una lista de recursos y ayuda alrededor de Chicago y Illinois :